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Spell Details

Heart of the Seed

Mana Cost: 10 Type: Beneficial Target Type: All
Cast Time: 0.3 seconds Recast Time: 0.0 Skill: Abjuration
Resist Type: N/A Resist Adj: N/A Spell ID: 6590
Range: 100 AE Range: 0  
Duration: 102 ticks (10 minutes and 12 seconds) AE Duration: 0 Push: 0
Reagents: None
Classes: DRU(19)
Slot 3: Increase Max HP by 50
Cast on You: You are infused with nature's vitality.
Cast on Other: Target is infused with nature's vitality.
Spells that Will Not Stack:

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Avarian Infusion II
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Heart of the Sapling
Heart of the Seed
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